

  1. Take the MTR to Tung Chung Station and get off at Tung Chung City Center
  2. Walk for around 5 minutes to Tung Chung Station Bus Terminus. Take bus no. 3M and get off at Mui Wo Market Station (stop no. 31). It takes around 40 minutes
  3. Walk for around 20 minutes along the Silvermine Bay Beach to reach the Festival site

For more information, please check out the website of New Lantau Bus Company:


  1. Take the ferry to Mui Wo at Central Pier 6 (journey time: ordinary ferry around 50 – 55 minutes; fast ferry around 35 – 40 minutes)
  2. Walk for around 20 minutes along the Silvermine Bay Beach to reach the Festival site

For ferry timetable, please check out the website of Sun Ferry:

From Airport by taxi

  1. Take a BLUE taxi and get off at Mui Wo pier. It takes around 20 minutes and costs HK$180 – HK$230
  2. Walk for around 20 minutes along the Silvermine Bay Beach to reach the Festival site

From Airport by bus

  1. Take bus no. A35 bus and get off at Mui Wo Market Station (stop no. 58). It takes around 60 minutes
  2. Walk for around 20 minutes along the Silvermine Bay Beach to reach the Festival site

For more information, please check out the website of New Lantau Bus Company: