Festival Teachers

Gen-la Kunsang is the Resident Teacher of Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre in the UK. She is also the National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and South Africa and teaches at National Festivals and Dharma Celebrations.

Gen-la Kunsang is highly experienced, well-respected and has been a close disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for almost 30 years. She has won the admiration and affection of many students throughout the world through her pure example and loving-kindness. Her teachings are powerful and clear.

Gen-la Kunsang will grant the Empowerment and give the Teachings during the Festival.


Gen Kelsang Tonglam is the National Spiritual Director for East Asia and the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Hong Kong and Kadampa Meditation Centre Taiwan.

Gen Tonglam has trained under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for 30 years. He is renowned for his ability to present Buddha’s most profound teachings in simple and most practical ways, injecting a renewed enthusiasm and driving force in our ordinary life.

Gen Tonglam will give the Introduction during the Festival.


Gen Kelsang Rabten is the National Spiritual Director for Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and the Resident Teacher of KMC Australia and KMC Melbourne. Ordained in 1994, he has studied under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for 30 years. He has taught in many centres around the world including UK, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong and South-East Asia.

Gen Rabten exemplifies the essence of the modern Kadampa’s way of life, brings a warm heart and joyful attitude to sharing Buddha’s teachings and the practice of meditation.

Gen Rabten will guide the Meditations during the Festival.