Teachers 法會導師

Festival Teacher:

Gen Kelsang Rabten is the National Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU for Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia and the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Leeds, UK.
Gen Rabten has trained under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 27 years. His teachings are precise and compassionate, and he exemplifies the essence of the modern Kadampa’s way of life, inspiring many people to embark on this meaningful path.
Gen Rabten will be the main teacher of this festival.

勝定法師跟隨尊貴的格西 格桑嘉措仁波切修習佛法逾二十七年。他的教學慈悲並清晰有力,展示了現代噶當巴修行人生活的精要,並啓發很多人展開有意義而豐盛的精神生活。

Gen Kelsang Tonglam is the National Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU for East Asia and the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Hong Kong and Kadampa Meditation Centre Taiwan. He has trained under the guidance of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 25 years. He is renowned for his ability to present Buddha’s most profound teachings in simple practical ways, injecting a renewed enthusiasm and driving force into our ordinary life. 

He will be teaching the Introduction for this festival.

見道法師是噶當巴佛教東亞區的精神總監,也是香港噶當巴禪修中心及台灣噶當巴禪修中心的住持。他跟隨尊貴的格西 格桑嘉措仁波切修習佛法逾二十六年,他擅長以幽默和深入淺出的方式,解說最深奧的佛法,為我們平凡的生活注入嶄新的熱情與動力。


Gen Kelsang Rabka is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Singapore and Compassion Kadampa Buddhist Centre, Johor Bahru. He is an Australian Buddhist monk who has been studying and practising Kadampa Buddhism with Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche and his senior disciples for over 14 years and has taught both in Australia and the UK. The clarity and warmth in his teachings have helped many students experience the practical benefits of modern Kadampa Buddhism in their daily lives.

He will be guiding the morning meditations during this Festival.

Kelsang Rabka 是新加坡噶當巴禪修中心的住持法師,來自澳洲,他跟隨尊貴的格西 格桑嘉措仁波切及其資深弟子學習和修持噶當巴佛法十四年,並曾在澳洲與英國教授佛法。他的教學清晰而溫暖人心,幫助許多學生在其日常生活中體驗到現代噶當巴佛法的實在利益。
